Robbie Sugg – Welcome to the Neighborhood
Robbie Sugg – Welcome to the Neighborhood Robbie Sugg – Welcome to the Neighborhood On view September 3rd-October 1st, 2021 at Trapdoor Projects 1120 Tijeras Ave NW Albuquerque, NM 87102 Opening Reception September 3rd, 2021 – 5:00p-8:00p Open Hours: Saturday, Sept 18th – 12:00p-4:00p Closing Reception Friday, October 1st – 6:00p-8:00p Masks required. Though largely…
Martin Wannam – ¿Es esto la libertad?
Martin Wannam – ¿Es esto la libertad? On view by appointment July 3rd-August 6th, 2021 at Trapdoor Projects 1120 Tijeras Ave NW Albuquerque, NM 87102 Opening Reception July 2nd, 2021 6:00p-9:00p Open Hours: Friday, July 9, 6-8 Friday, July 23, 6-8 Friday, Aug 6, 6-8 Masks required In Guatemala, the enduring ongoing historical violence…
mk – SOMETIMES I JUST LISTEN TO THE BIRDS SING “SOMETIMES I JUST LISTEN TO THE BIRDS SING” is an installation by mk in collaboration with what is left of Trapdoor Projects’ exhibition space following a recent fire in April 2021. Functioning in the same way as one would handle grief, mk considers the parallels…
André Ramos-Woodard – BLACK SNAFU
André Ramos-Woodard – BLACK SNAFU BLACK SNAFU (Situation Niggas: All Fucked Up), gets its name from “Private Snafu”, a series of cartoon shorts made in the 1940s by Warner Bros. in order to educate American WWII soldiers on the military and their warfare tactics. In BLACK SNAFU, André Ramos-Woodard appropriates various depictions of Black people…