Call for Proposals
Trapdoor Projects offers two pathways for submission -
Emerge, supporting artists who are up to ten years into their practice. Trapdoor accepts proposals from artists who are in the early stages of their careers (no more than ten years into an artistic practice). We accept two-person proposals as well as individual portfolio submissions for consideration. Trapdoor places a priority on conceptual artists living in New Mexico, but welcomes proposals from artists residing in Arizona, West Texas, and Southern Colorado as well. This review will select two exhibitions opening in July and September 2021. Typical exhibitions run for 4-5 weeks. There is a two week installation period before the show.
Scholar, supporting graduate and undergraduate students in completing their thesis work. Trapdoor accepts proposals from students at both the graduate and undergraduate level who wish to show their work in an off-campus gallery. Students will work closely with the curator at Trapdoor to conceptualize and develop their thesis exhibition. Deadlines for the Scholar program typically occur in July and November.
At this time, Scholar applications are closed.
To Apply:
Submit a 300 word exhibition proposal, a current CV, 15 images and/or up to 3 two minute video excerpts of works representative of the proposed exhibition. Be sure to include a list of submitted works with these materials. Please submit your files via google drive; uploaded in folders or a zip file; or via a third party hosting/download site. If submitting video, please do so via a link to a third party site.
Due to the ongoing crisis we are in, Trapdoor Projects is waiving application fees for all BIPoC artists. For those who do not identify as BIPoC, our application fee has been discounted to $15. You can pay your fee here. Please include a copy of your payment receipt with your application. 15% of all application fees will be submitted to Honor Native Land Tax.
Send all application materials and confirmation of application fee to info@trapdoorprojects.com with the subject line "lastname - Emerge." Do not expect a confirmation of receipt. Proposals submitted past the deadline may not be considered for the review.
Deadline for Submissions: 11:59pm, March 31st, 2021 - Replies with decisions will be sent by the end of April 2021.